27 avr. 2013

Lectures intéressantes de la semaine.

Lectures intéressantes de la semaine. 

Un petit panorama de ce qui peut être intéressant pour vous de lire...

Glamoursales en Chine 

The current total volume of luxury products consumed by Chinese people is about 115 billion RMB in 2012, at an increasing rate of 7% which is dramatically lower than the rate of last year with an impressive 30% growth. Meanwhile, several luxury giants, such as LVMH and Gucci, announced that they were going to slow down the expansion of new stores in China, in particular within second and third tier cities. Why? The simple fact that almost 60% of luxury goods sales were generated abroad
 lire la suite

Touristes chinois 

Outbound tourists figures
  • rose from 16.6 million in 2002 to 70.3 million in 2011, 
  • this market is expected to rise to 82 million this year,
  • growth up 17 percent. 
  • Shopping 200 million by 2020

Sur Market Research China

According to a market research on audience rating, following football and basketball, Tennis has steadily become the third most popular sport for Chinese spectators to watch on television. Let’s look at the numbers, 30, 000 established tennis courts and a roughly estimated 14 million tennis professionals and enthusiasts are in the process of making this sport a rapidly growing sport in China. More surprisingly, based on a research done by Tom Cannon, a professor and sports finance expert at the University of Liverpool, this new emerging market is gradually generating approximately $4 billion per year. lire la suite

Le Faux Taxi

La très officielle agence de presse Chine nouvelle a démenti que le président Xi Jinping ait pris un taxi incognito à Pékin, ainsi que l'a rapporté jeudi un journal de Hong Kong suivi par de nombreux médias étrangers, cette information causant un vif émoi et la censure sur l'internet chinois. lire la suite

ecommerce Chine! 

Le e-commerce en Chine s'est fortement développé ces dernières années avec la démocratisation d'Internet dans les foyers. On parle même aujourd'hui de m-commerce sur mobile Dans cet article, nous allons nous intéresser plus particulièrement à la situation du e-commerce en Chine.
retrouvez mon article sur ecommerce mag 

Olivier VEROT
Stratégie Chine

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