27 nov. 2014

Les marques internationales et la journée des célibataires en Chine

Les marques internationales et la journée des célibataires en Chine 

International brands in China and the Double 11 The British Boxing Day and the American Black Friday were considered are the stars of the e-commerce sales events worldwide but it seems China stole the limelight from the western countries when it comes to e-commerce the biggest sales of an e-commerce with the “Double 11”, the annual Chinese online shopping festival.
 Within the very first twenty minutes of November 11th this year, Chinese online buyers had already bought for an amount of 1 billion dollars’ worth of goods. The Chinese online shopping festival may only have started a few years ago but already shows an impressive retail organization that is breaking e-commerce sales records each year.
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Olivier VEROT Stratégie Chine

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